In 1949, forty ex servicemen met at the village hall and agreed to form St Leonards & St Ives Ex Services Club. Each person paid one shilling each and the £2.00 raised became the starting capital. The grounds were donated by the parents of Squadron Leader Dennis Beck, who sadly was killed in action during the Second World War.
St Leonards & St Ives Club was built by volunteers and on Easter Sunday 1954, the Club was opened by Col. E. G. St Aubyn the Chairman of the Welcome Home Fund.
St Ives Club as it is known to locals, has been added to over the years and members are no longer exclusively ex service personnel; however we do like to keep the founding spirit alive and we support Help For Heroes and the Royal British Legion.
In June 2013, we opened our new Memorial Garden (see pictures), which was a joint members effort; this was opened with a little pomp and circumstance, supported by Sea and Air Cadets. The Chairman of the Parish Council opened the Garden and the Reverend Judy Morton Blessed it and led a prayer. The Celebrations continued throughout the day and evening. The Garden is available to the wider community for quiet contemplation.
The Club of course has rules that members must abide by, for the good of our small happy community and each new member is provided with a rule book. We are registered under the Friendly Societies Act and the object of the Club is to provide for its members the means of social interaction, mutual helpfulness, mental and moral improvements and rational recreation.
There is a joining fee of £10.00 to cover administration costs, plus £15.00 yearly subscription, which is renewed each January. New members late in the year will pay a reduced subscription until the following January.